To Ms Irene (Principal Trainer,ATCEN Learning Centre), thank you very much for your compliment, appreciation and recognition. Wishing you always the best. Be optmist,be realist and sure success.Compromising our integrity will undermine the confidence and sense of self-worth that come from being true to our core beliefs.
If we do have self-respect, it will be evident to everyone around us and earn our trust that words and deeds alone can't. If we don't, it won't. (week 6, Friday)
Thank you to all of my associates, seniors and juniors; directly or indirectly installed the confidence and trust in me.
"...Allah Maha Besar, He loves you because you are indeed a very good man!!! You are one of those rare educators that I have encountered..." (Ms Irene Wong)
Thank You Allah...please make me strong, optimist and realist in all of my efforts for the betterment of everyone and anyone.
zahiri shams associates