Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. We can have all the material success in the world,yet without friends, life will be dull and unfullfilling. Caring and mutual desire for the success and happiness of the other person defines true friendship. This level of closeness is hard to achieve,but it is possible.
It begins by making the celebration of mutual success the core of our relationships, and by developing an interest in others that is so strong that we want them to win-and they want us to win also. (Time Out for Leaders, 2006)

Go German,Go Australia...di mana jua anda semua bakal jejaki nanti dalam niat dan usaha untuk menambah ilmu diri buat kebaikan semua rakyat negara-bangsa Malaysia, tetapkan di hati niat suci murni, ikhlas jujur, dan rendah diri yang cemerlang. Biar kita hebat di mata Tuhan juga di mata Manusia; Tidak hanya hebat di mata Manusia tetapi miskin, mundur dan gagal di mata Tuhan.
My dear brothers and sisters, "Pessimism lead to weakness, Optimism to power" (William James), so salam optimis, salam realis, salam sukses personally from me. All the BEST to all of you!!!
zahiri shams associates